I have been fighting the arts funding cuts in the County.
Suffolk County Council announced in January 2024 that they proposed to cut all funding to the arts sector by 100%. I know just how important the arts are to both the economy in the County and to our wellbeing. For every £ invested in the arts, £7 is returned. The nine arts organisations that the Council supports, spend the money that they recieve on outreach projects in the County. These benefit everyone but especially our children and those who could not normally take part. I know as a school governor just how much the children in my school benefitted from the work that they did with the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds.
I joined forces with Equity (the trade union for the perfoming arts) to oppose the plans. We produced a petition which was signed by almost 4000 people and organised a peaceful demonstration outside the Council meeting. I then addressed the Council Budget meeting in person.
WE WON! The Council agreed with us and has reinstated the funding. Unfortunately they have decided to change the way that they allocated the funds and so we are still hoping for further dialogue on this.